L’influence de Neptune
Inhabited by the forms and occurrences of narrative in literary and cinematographic spheres, Laetitia Badaut Haussmann’s approach involves the concepts of appearance and reminiscence, amnesia, narrative knot, drift, appropriation, deletion and recovery. The exhibition L’Influence de Neptune is composed as the rest of her work. It is as much an exploration, initiation and continuation of a situated narration.
At start, Laetitia Badaut Haussmann stays at the Hôtel Vauban during a stay in Brest. The decoration of the reconstructed city’s mythical institution compiles the scars of past decades. To the artist, the hotel becomes a mental projection space as well as a sphere of night wandering for a fictional character. She stages, in closed session, a man literally obsessed with two major works of the twentieth century – Jean Genet's Querelle de Brest and Rainer W. Fassbinder’s Querelle – who uses his heroes as a visual potential materials to overcome his insomnia.
The exhibition L’Influence de Neptune revolves around the eponymous film. The space of the art center is arranged with the attributes of a modernist interior that confront its industrial architecture in a semi darkness where night, dreams and desire are omnipresent. Thus, the exhibition is introduced by a Chose annexe (appendix thing). This is the title of this strange plant that looks like a root, a rock, a mushroom or an elephant foot. Vegetal echo to Genet’s organic literature, this Chose annexe becomes the essential preamble of a journey in which intertwine produced and borrowed forms. It combines film, storytelling, design and literature to build an atmosphere certainly referenced but... [lire plus]
L'Influence de Neptune
vidéo HD 16/9
durée : 7 min 42 sec
Comédien : Clément Allanic
Chef Opérateur : Victor Zebo
Ingénieur Son : Thomas Fourel
Montage : Julia Boudet
Co-production : Fondation Nationale des Arts Graphiques et Plastiques & Centre d’Art Contemporain Passerelle
Avec la participation de l’Hôtel Vauban - Brest et CLIP, association des étudiants de la formation Image & Son Brest de l’UBO.
Commissaire de l'exposition / Curator : Etienne Bernard