Basma Alsharif, Danilo Correale, Alessandra Ferrini, Louis Henderson, Basir Mahmood, Rebecca Moss, Arash Nassiri, Emilija ŠKarnulytė, Driant Zeneli
Directing the Real. Artists’ Film and Video in the 2010s, curated by Leonardo Bigazzi, brings together single channel video works by nine international artists, most of which are presented in
France for the first time. This generation of artists, born after 1980, operates at a time when confrontation with the “real” and its representation often become necessary and inevitable. Our experience of the world around us is however more and more mediated and altered by screens and electronic technologies, to the point that the borderline between real and virtual can be blurred. The transition from analog to digital and the acceleration of the internet and new media are deeply influencing video language by generating aesthetic and formal choices that are now well recognizable in their works.
How do artists respond today to a globalized society where images and information are so often built and manipulated to alter reality? And how the technological revolutions of recent years, and the speed with which these images are shared and consumed, have influenced their (and our) outlook on the world? How to represent a world ever more ruled by economic interests, divided by wars and social injustice, and where the relation between man and environment is reaching a critical point? In such a context which is the role and the potential of art and of the exhibition space as physical place for reflecting and sharing?
Directing the Real. Artists’ Film and Video in the 2010s aims to offer an overview on the production of nine international artists who have made some of these questions the central theme of their practice. The works are divided into three thematic programmes.... [lire plus]
Curator : Leonardo Bigazzi