Les Chantiers-Résidence 2024-25 ⎹ nov. 2024 - févr. 2025

Marie Boyer

Mon 4 Nov 2024 — Fri 28 Feb 2025

As an Artist in Residence, a role created and supported by Passerelle and Documents d’artistes Bretagne, Marie Boyer (1997) is exhibiting a series of new works she has produced at Passerelle. She is a graduate of the Quimper campus of the École européenne supérieure d'art de Bretagne (the European Academy of Art in Brittany) and here has developed an astonishing, joyous garden where painting interplays with botany and with the Japanese manga aesthetic.

"There are flowers everywhere for anyone who cares to look," declared Henri Matisse. This cheesy, rather kitsch quotation might be seen on a box of chocolates or on a sign outside a garden centre, yet it leads to much deeper reflections than might first be apparent, on the role of art and the presence of joy in our lives. That sentence uttered by such a famous painter explains much of the art of Marie Boyer. She sees flowers as "living beings intended to be painted", as a sort of ideal and perfect motif. Her love of flora partly derives from her family, of whom one side originated on the island of Reunion where plants abound in profusion, and partly from one of her grandfathers on the other side who was passionate about floral composition. He would document flowers by photographing them and carefully classifying them in files which the artist has studied closely.

Marie Boyer is keenly Interested In the history of painting, and is fully aware that flowers are a subject with a particular iconography which have been widely represented by her peers. Understanding the history of art helps her understand her own practice as an artist. She observes the Renaissance painters, is passionate about Jean Siméon Chardin (1699-1779) and Diego... [lire plus]

Presented as part of the Workshops | Residence, a programme for emerging artists in Brittany run by Passerelle Centre d’art contemporain and Documents d’artistes Bretagne

With the support of Suravenir, a subsidiary of Crédit Mutuel ARKEA

Comité de sélection 2024-25

Le jury s'est réuni à Brest le 24 juin 2024 pour retenir les deux artistes de l'année 2024-25, à savoir Marie Boyer (en résidence de novembre 2024 à janvier 2025) et de Martin Routhe (en résidence de mars à mai 2025).

Les membres du jury : Emma Seferian, artiste ; Lilian Froger, critique d’art et directeur de l’Imagerie, Lannion ; Loïc Le Gall, directeur de Passerelle Centre d’art contemporain ; Christine Finizio, directrice de Documents d’Artistes Bretagne.