UIP 27
UIP27 is a documentary fiction supposely staged in 2027. The film is the final form of a participatory and performative project on the conflict between Israel and Palestine by French-Swedish artist Joachim Hamou. Through a series of public debates various aspects of the conflict have been unfolded. This material has been the fundament for a film that was recorded in prolongation of the discussions.
UIP27 is an abbreviation for “United Israel Palestine 2027” and refers to a imposed future scenario for Israel and Palestine. In UIP 2027 the new occupational power, The United Nations, and thus an international court, handles the conflicts following the constitution of UIP. It is from a juridical perspective that all territories, bodies, ownerships and legacies are considered. In UIP27 we follow a fictive court case between an Israeli and a Palestinian family disputing land claim and compensations.
The intention of UIP27 is to produce a nuanced narrative on one of the most contentious conflicts today based on the real input from an interdisciplinary dialogue between invited experts, actors and audience.
Some scenes have been shot in Brest in Passerelle’s Great Patio in December 2014. Local actors have been involved.
Participants :
Mireille Perrier, Anders Mossling, Anne Steffens, Jett G. Strauss, Nasreen Aljanabi Larsson, Leila Haji Linder, Lior Foighel, et plus.
Signe Frederiksen - director assistant
Bo Tenberg - caméra
Enrico Ascoli - son
Henrik Wilson Malmqvist - scénographie.
Coproducteurs :
Moderna Museum, en collaboration avec Inkonst, Malmö (Suède)
Passerelle Centre d’art contemporain, Brest (France)
Den Danske Scenekunstskole, Copenhague (Danemark).