Le festin
Passerelle presents for the first time a monographic exhibition by Caroline Mesquita (born in 1989) in Brittany. The native of Brest is building an original in situ project drawing on a local formal imagination mixed with her personal vocabulary close to that of science fiction.
A monumental and monolithic sculpture takes over the patio of the art center, mimicking a restaurant built according to traditional Breton slate architecture. Both sublime and marvelous, the building-sculpture recalls the world of fairy tales while incorporating that element of humor dear to the artist. On the first floor, metal sculptures are displayed like restaurant dishes, revealing dishes from a fantasized gastronomy. Divergent from a realistic sculptural heritage, Caroline Mesquita engulfs herself in a fantastic and dreamlike figurative representation. The restaurant's sharp slate-black gives way to a silky coppery gold; the scales are distorted: the building becomes miniaturized and the food on the restaurant's menu becomes gigantic. A monumental and monolithic sculpture invests the patio of the art center, mimicking a restaurant built according to the architecture of the restaurant becoming gigantic. A monumental and monolithic sculpture invests the patio of the art center, with fairy tales while incorporating that element of humor dear to the artist. On the first floor, metal sculptures with that element of humor dear to the artist.
A monumental and monolithic sculpture takes over the patio of the art center, mimicking a restaurant built according to traditional Breton slate architecture. Both sublime and marvelous, the building-sculpture recalls the world of fairy tales while incorporating that element of humor... [lire plus]