Another Day, Another Drama
The Berlin based duo constantly serve up fresh perspectives on the world. The references in their work are plentiful, and the usual appropriation of low culture you traditionally would find in the art is repurposed with a refined knowledge of not just the art world, but also an interest in merchandizing and hanging out, dipping low. Their artistic strategies are closely linked to design, theater, and fashion. In their case, form does not follow function, but function at least contains the word fun. The objects produced by the duo are caught in between form and function, art and design, discourse and disgust. For instance: portable paintings whose support structure doubles as shipping crates, and a mobile sculpture serving you social lubrication.
Aurora Sander is well versed in the tropes of the industry, and the duo produce objects that circulate as art, but might take on purpose beyond the art world, often suggesting character traits and personal characteristics. These characters might appear confused, as if they were cooked up like a dough in a bakery oven, whose purpose is to be devoured by a hungry public, and instead of being served up for consumption, is forced to serve up herself. The characters might form from conversation and appear in public objects staged in a set up, perhaps like an actor on a stage, or merchandise in a show room. The characters might be acting out through crude mechanical set ups, such as the mechanized robotic butler which has appeared in several of Aurora Sander's set ups.
The exhibition at Passerelle Centre d'art contemporain will consist of a show/horse jumping courses containing 11 obstacles, showcasing the obstacles/routines one has to go through every day -... [lire plus]
Cette exposition a reçu le soutien de l’Ambassade Royale de Norvège en France