Socheata Aing, Bintou Dembélé, Neïla Czermak Ichti, Abderrahim Makhlouf, Ibrahim Meïté Sikely, Charline Rolland, Zineb Sedira, Aïcha Snoussi

Une affaire de famille [A family affair]

25 Oct 2024 — 25 Jan 2025

All affairs have their share of ambivalence. Their mysteries and their sudden twists and turns. Their secrets and their revelations, both intimate and public, at one and the same time sensational and discreet. They never reveal themselves totally, they may never perhaps be completely resolved. They are little stories that mingle with bigger ones. They are knots to be undone to decipher lines and endings, links and ruptures, responses and yet more questions.

The affair we are dealing with here is no exception to the rule. It is all about lines crossing and joining up, weaving over the crevices to stop them up, traced by timid but confident fingertips over beloved faces or alongside bodies that vanished too soon.

Some lines can trace their distant roots on the inherited genealogical tree, passed down across generations, go back up centuries-old branches, and count all the buds. For others, one must invest resources and use one's imagination.

The affair blossoming within the walls of Passerelle Centre d’art contemporain pushes into the corners and shadowy reaches of what are known as the 'great tales', around the edges of the majestic trees whose cultivation has been favoured over others. It twists and turns along with the reconfigurations, migrations and intermingling of its vigorous shoots, along historic margins and geographical fringes. The story brought to life by the artists of this exhibition is as documentary as it is poetic, but perhaps it is above all performative. It is the affirmation of a thwarted family tree, of invisible or frustrated germinations, of ideal communities, linked by blood or friendship, to which are passed on gestures and languages, faces and names, places dreamed... [lire plus]

Opening on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024 at 6 p.m.

Curator : Horya Makhlouf