Panorama - Éditions du livre

Fanette Mellier

25 Oct 2024 — 25 Jan 2025

Once a year, an artist at Passerelle Centre d’art contemporain designs an exhibition inviting all ages to join in a creative endeavour. The experience may be fun, graphic and/or performative. Particular attention is paid to children, although they are not the only intended audience.

Continuing this annual programme of events dedicated to graphic design (designers in residence in the school setting, the opening of a temporary branch of Passerelle dedicated to art books for children in the Bellevue district of Brest, the development of a collection of art books for children, etc.) Panorama is inaugurating a cycle of interactive exhibitions at the art centre.

Panorama is firstly a book without text designed by graphic artist Fanette Mellier (1977, France), published by Éditions du livre in 2022. The 24 double pages of this book invite us to look at the same landscape as it gradually alters by slight changes. The tiny incidents of living beings (a cat appearing then disappearing, for example) and the clever play of superimposed coloured tints creating an infinity of nuances, make each scene unique. This book and all the remarkable publications of Éditions du livre feature in the art centre's collection.

Panorama is now an eponymous exhibition, with large-scale formats used in the big room at the art centre in order to discover the whole subtlety of the printed art of Fanette Mellier. This three-dimensional variation around the book allows you to enter the pages of the book, transformed into architecture, like in a dream or a book by Lewis Carroll. You just need to let yourself be gently rocked by the song of the birds and the rustling of the trees... [lire plus]

Opening on Thursday, Oct. 24, 2024 at 6 p.m.

An exhibition presented by Camille Guihard, Thibault Brébant and Loïc Le Gall