Galerie du Quartz, Brest
This photographic series explores the notions of home, belonging and being rooted, entwined with the confusion of growing up between two countries and multifaceted cultures. The images seek to reflect upon facets of what could be representative of home, observing its affiliation to places, people and memory.
“Growing up between two countries of very different cultural backgrounds oftentimes brings many advantages but also raises many questions.
Reminiscing about my childhood, I remember experiencing a recurring yet puzzling feeling of longing, slightly uncomfortable and assuredly quite baffling for me as a child back then. However, that same feeling persists up until this day albeit manifesting itself in different forms. But at the core, it remains the same feeling of homesickness, nostalgia, a yearning to belong and to be rooted somewhere. Thus, I ponder: does a definite explanation of home exist at all? And if so, to what extent is a definition really necessary?
Through this series, I venture into these very notions of home, belonging and being rooted, entwined with that same confusion of growing up between two countries and multifaceted cultures. The chosen images illustrate the different facets that could be representative of home while simultaneously observing the term's affiliation to time, space, people, memory and the contrasts existing between them.”
Tanya Traboulsi
In partnership with Le Quartz as part of DañsFabrik, festival of Brest